Microserfs Douglas Coupland They are Microserfs — six code-crunching computer whizzes who spend upward of sixteen hours a day “coding” and eating “flat” foods (food which, like Kraft singles, can be passed underneath closed doors) as they fearfully scan company e-mail to learn whether the great Bill is going to “flame” one of them. But now there's a chance to become innovators instead of cogs in the gargantuan Microsoft machine. The intrepid Microserfs are striking out on their own — living together in a shared digital flophouse as they desperately try to cultivate well-rounded lives and find love amid the dislocated, subhuman whir and buzz of their computer-driven world. Microserfs by Douglas Coupland thanks: John Batelle Elizabeth Dunn Ian Ferrellv James Glave James Joaquin Kevin Kelly Jane Metcalfe Judith Regan Louis Rossetto Nathan Shedroff Michael Tchao Ian Verchere 1 Microserfs FRIDAY Early Fall, 1993 This morning, just after 11:00, Michael locked himself in his office and he won’t come out. Bill (Bill!) sent Michael this totally wicked flame-mail from hell on the e-mail system — and he just whaled on a chunk of code Michael had written. Using the Bloom County-cartoons-taped-on-the-door index, Michael is certainly the most sensitive coder in Building Seven — not the type to take criticism easily. Exactly why Bill would choose Michael of all people to whale on is confusing. We figured it must have been a random quality check to keep the troops in line. Bill’s so smart. Bill is wise. Bill is kind. Bill is benevolent. Bill, Be My Friend … Please! Actually, nobody on our floor has ever been flamed by Bill personally. The episode was tinged with glamour and we were somewhat jealous. I tried to tell Michael this, but he was crushed. Shortly before lunch he stood like a lump outside my office. His skin was pale like rising bread dough, and his Toppy’s cut was dripping sweat, leaving little damp marks on the oyster-gray-with-plum highlights of the Microsoft carpeting. He handed me a printout of Bill’s memo and then gallumphed into his office, where he’s been burrowed ever since. He won’t answer his phone, respond to e-mail, or open his door. On his doorknob he placed a “Do Not Disturb” thingy stolen from the Boston Radisson during last year’s Macworld Expo. Todd and I walked out onto the side lawn to try to peek in his window, but his Venetian blinds were closed and a gardener with a leaf blower chased us away with a spray of grass clippings. They mow the lawn every ten minutes at Microsoft. It looks like green Lego pads. Finally, at about 2:30A.M., Todd and I got concerned about Michael’s not eating, so we drove to the 24-hour Safeway in Redmond. We went shopping for “flat” foods to slip underneath Michael’s door. The Safeway was completely empty save for us and a few other Microsoft people just like us — hair-trigger geeks in pursuit of just the right snack. Because of all the rich nerds living around here, Redmond and Bellevue are very “on-demand” neighborhoods. Nerds get what they want when they want it, and they go psycho if it’s not immediately available. Nerds overfocus. I guess that’s the problem. But it’s precisely this ability to narrow-focus that makes them so good at code writing: one line at a time, one line in a strand of millions. When we returned to Building Seven at 3:00 A.M., there were still a few people grinding away. Our group is scheduled to ship product (RTM: Release to Manufacturing) in just eleven days (Top Secret: We’ll never make it). Michael’s office lights were on, but once again, when we knocked, he wouldn’t answer his door. We heard his keyboard chatter, so we figured he was still alive. The situation really begged a discussion of Turing logic — could we have discerned that the entity behind the door was indeed even human? We slid Kraft singles, Premium Plus crackers, Pop-Tarts, grape leather, and Freezie-Pops in to him. Todd asked me, “Do you think any of this violates geek dietary laws?” Just then, Karla in the office across the hall screamed and then glared out at us from her doorway. Her eyes were all red and sore behind her round glasses. She said, “You guys are only encouraging him,” like we were feeding a raccoon or something. I don’t think Karla ever sleeps. She harrumphed and slammed her door closed. Doors sure are important to nerds. Anyway, by this point Todd and I were both really tired. We drove back to the house to crash, each in our separate cars, through the Campus grounds — 22 buildings’ worth of nerd-cosseting fun — cloistered by 100-foot-tall second growth timber, its streets quiet as the womb: the foundry of our culture’s deepest dreams. There was mist floating on the ground above the soccer fields outside the central buildings. I thought about the e-mail and Bill and all of that, and I had this weird feeling — of how the presence of Bill floats about the Campus, semi-visible, at all times, kind of like the dead grandfather in the Family Circus cartoons. Bill is a moral force, a spectral force, a force that shapes, a force that molds. A force with thick, thick glasses. I am danielu@microsoft.Com. If my life was a game of Jeopardy! my seven dream categories would be: • Tandy products • Trash TV of the late ‘70s and early ‘80s • The history of Apple • Career anxieties • Tabloids • Plant life of the Pacific Northwest • Jell-O 1-2-3 I am a tester — a bug checker in Building Seven. I worked my way up the ladder from Product Support Services (PSS) where I spent six months in phone purgatory in 1991 helping little old ladies format their Christmas mailing lists on Microsoft Works. Like most Microsoft employees, I consider myself too well adjusted to be working here, even though I am 26 and my universe consists of home, Microsoft, and Costco. I am originally from Bellingham, up just near the border, but my parents live in Palo Alto now. I live in a group house with five other Microsoft employees: Todd, Susan, Bug Barbecue, Michael, and Abe. We call ourselves “The Channel Three News Team.” I am single. I think partly this is because Microsoft is not conducive to relationships. Last year down at the Apple Worldwide Developer’s Conference in San Jose, I met a girl who works not too far away, at Hewlett-Packard on Interstate 90, but it never went anywhere. Sometimes I’ll sort of get something going, but then work takes over my life and I bail out of all my commitments and things fizzle. Lately I’ve been unable to sleep. That’s why I’ve begun writing this journal late at night, to try to see the patterns in my life. From this I hope to establish what my problem is — and then, hopefully, solve it. I’m trying to feel more well adjusted than I really am, which is, I guess, the human condition. My life is lived day to day, one line of bug-free code at a time. The house: Growing up, I used to build split-level ranch-type homes out of Legos. This is pretty much the house I live in now, but its ambiance is anything but sterilized Lego-clean. It was built about twenty years ago, maybe before Microsoft was even in the dream stage and this part of Redmond had a lost, alpine ski-cabin feel. Instead of a green plastic pad with little plastic nubblies, our house sits on a thickly-treed lot beside a park on a cul-de-sac at the top of a steep hill. It’s only a seven-minute drive from Campus. There are two other Microsoft group houses just down the hill. Karla, actually, lives in the house three down from us across the street. People end up living in group houses either by e-mail or by word of mouth. Living in a group house is a little bit like admitting you’re deficient in the having-a-life department, but at work you spend your entire life crunching code and testing for bugs, and what else are you supposed to do? Work, sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep. I know a few Microsoft employees who try to fake having a life — many a Redmond garage contains a never-used kayak collecting dust. You ask these people what they do in their spare time and they say, “Uhhh—kayaking. That’s right. I kayak in my spare time.” You can tell they’re faking it. I don’t even do many sports anymore and my relationship with my body has gone all weird. I used to play soccer three times a week and now I feel like a boss in charge of an underachiever. I feel like my body is a station wagon in which I drive my brain around, like a suburban mother taking the kids to hockey practice. The house is covered with dark cedar paneling. Out front there’s a tiny patch of lawn covered in miniature yellow crop circles thanks to the dietary excesses of our neighbor’s German shepherd, Mishka. Bug Barbecue keeps his weather experiments — funnels and litmus strips and so forth — nailed to the wall beside the front door. A flat of purple petunias long-expired from neglect — Susan’s one attempt at prettification — depresses us every time we leave for work in the morning, resting as it does in the thin strip of soil between the driveway and Mishka’s crop circles. Abe, our in-house multimillionaire, used to have tinfoil all over his bedroom windows to keep out what few rays of sun penetrated the trees until we ragged on him so hard that he went out and bought a sheaf of black construction paper at the Pay N Pak and taped it up instead. It looked like a drifter lived here. Todd’s only contribution to the house’s outer appearance is a collection of car-washing toys sometimes visible beside the garage door. The only evidence of my being in the house is my 1977 AMC Hornet Sportabout hatchback parked out front when I’m home. It’s bright orange, it’s rusty, and damnit, it’s ugly. SATURDAY Shipping hell continued again today. Grind, grind, grind. We’ll never make it. Have I said that already? Why do we always underestimate our shipping schedules? I just don’t understand. In at 9:30 A.M.; out at 11:30 P.M. Domino’s for dinner. And three diet Cokes. I got bored a few times today and checked the WinQuote on my screen — that’s the extension that gives continuous updates on Microsoft’s NASDAQ price. It was Saturday, and there was never any change, but I kept forgetting. Habit. Maybe the Tokyo or Hong Kong exchanges might cause a fluctuation? Most staffers peek at WinQuote a few times a day. I mean, if you have 10,000 shares (and tons of staff members have way more) and the stock goes up a buck, you’ve just made ten grand! But then, if it goes down two dollars, you’ve just lost twenty grand. It’s a real psychic yo-yo. Last April Fool’s Day, someone fluctuated the price up and down by fifty dollars and half the staff had coronaries. Because I started out low on the food chain and worked my way up, I didn’t get much stock offered to me the way that programmers and systems designers get stock firehosed onto them when they start. What stock I do own won’t fully vest for another 2.5 years (stock takes 4.5 years to fully vest). Susan’s stock vests later this week, and she’s going to have a vesting party. And then she’s going to quit. Larger social forces are at work, threatening to dissolve our group house. The stock closed up $1.75 on Friday. Bill has 78,000,000 shares, so that means he’s now $136.5 million richer. I have almost no stock, and this means I am a loser. News update: Michael is now out of his office. It’s as if he never had his geek episode. He slept there throughout the whole day (not unusual at Microsoft), using his Jurassic Park inflatable T-Rex toy as a pillow. When he woke up in the early evening, he thanked me for bringing him the Kraft products, and now he says he won’t eat anything that’s not entirely two-dimensional. “Ich bin ein Flatlander,” he piped, as he cheerfully sifted through hard copy of the bug-checked code he’d been chugging out. Karla made disgusted clicking noises with her tongue from her office. I think maybe she’s in love with Michael. More details about our group house — Our House of Wayward Mobility. Because the house receives almost no sun, moss and algae tend to colonize what surfaces they can. There is a cherry tree crippled by a fungus. The rear verandah, built of untreated 2×4’s, has quietly rotted away, and the sliding door in the kitchen has been braced shut with a hockey stick to prevent the unwary from straying into the suburban abyss. The driveway contains six cars: Todd’s cherry-red Supra (his life, what little there is of it), my pumpkin Hornet, and four personality-free gray Microsoftmobiles — a Lexus, an Acura Legend, and two Tauri (nerd plural for Taurus). I bet if Bill drove a Shriner’s go-cart to work, everybody else would, too. Inside, each of us has a bedroom. Because of the McDonald’s-like turnover in the house, the public rooms — the living room, kitchen, dining room, and basement — are bleak, to say the least. The dormlike atmosphere precludes heavy-duty interior design ideas. In the living room are two velveteen sofas that were too big and too ugly for some long-gone tenants to take with them. Littered about the Tiki green shag carpet are: • Two Microsoft Works PC inflatable beach cushions • One Mitsubishi 27-inch color TV • Various vitamin bottles • Several weight-gaining system cartons (mine) • 86 copies of MacWEEK arranged in chronological order by Bug Barbecue, who will go berserk if you so much as move one issue out of date • Six Microsoft Project 2.0 juggling bean bags • Bone-shaped chew toys for when Mishka visits • Two PowerBooks • Three IKEA mugs encrusted with last month’s blender drink sensation • Two 12.5-pound dumbbells (Susan’s) • A Windows NT box • Three baseball caps (two Mariners, one A’s) • Abe’s Battlestar Galactica trading card album • Todd’s pile of books on how to change your life to win! (Getting Past OK, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People …) The kitchen is stocked with ramshackle 1970s avocado green appliances. You can almost hear the ghost of Emily Hartley yelling “Hi, Bob!” every time you open the fridge door (a sea of magnets and 4-x-6-inch photos of last year’s house parties). Our mail is in little piles by the front door: bills, Star Trek junk mail, and the heap-o-catalogues next to the phone. I think we’d order our lives via 1-800 numbers if we could. Mom phoned from Palo Alto. This is the time of year she calls a lot. She calls because she wants to speak about Jed, but none of us in the family are able. We kind of erased him. I used to have a younger brother named Jed. He drowned in a boating accident in the Strait of Juan de Fuca when I was 14 and he was 12. A Labor Day statistic. To this day, anything Labor Day-ish creeps me out: the smell of barbecuing salmon, life preservers, Interstate traffic reports from the local radio Traffic Copter, Monday holidays. But here’s a secret: My e-mail password is hellojed. So I think about him every day. He was way better with computers than I was. He was way nerdier than me. As it turned out, Mom had good news today. Dad has a big meeting Monday with his company. Mom and Dad figure it’s a promotion because Dad’s IBM division has been doing so well (by IBM standards — it’s not hemorrhaging money). She says she’ll keep me posted. Susan taped laser-printed notes on all of our bedroom doors reminding us about the vesting party this Thursday (“Vest Fest ‘93”), which was a subliminal hint to us to clean up the place. Most of us work in Building Seven; shipping hell has brought a severe breakdown in cleanup codes. Susan is 26 and works in Mac Applications. If Susan were a Jeopardy! contestant, her dream board would be: • 680×0 assembly language • Cats • Early ‘80s haircut bands • “My secret affair with Rob in the Excel Group” • License plate slogans of America • Plot lines from The Monkees • The death of IBM Susan’s an IBM brat and hates that company with a passion. She credits it with ruining her youth by transferring her family eight times before she graduated from high school — and the punchline is that the company gave her father the boot last year during a wave of restructuring. So nothing too evil can happen to IBM in her eyes. Her graphic designer friend made up T-shirts saying “IBM: Weak as a Kitten, Dumb as a Sack of Hammers.” We all wear them. I gave one to Dad last Christmas but his reaction didn’t score too high on the chuckle-o-meter. (I am not an IBM brat — Dad was teaching at Western Washington University until the siren of industry lured him to Palo Alto in 1985. It was very ‘80s.) Susan’s a real coding machine. But her abilities are totally wasted reworking old code for something like the Norwegian Macintosh version of Word 5.8. Susan’s work ethic best sums up the ethic of most of the people I’ve met who work at Microsoft. If I recall her philosophy from the conversation she had with her younger sister two weekends ago, it goes something like this: “It’s never been, ‘We’re doing this for the good of society.’ It’s always been us taking an intellectual pride in putting out a good product — and making money. If putting a computer on every desktop and in every home didn’t make money, we wouldn’t do it.” That sums up most of the Microsoft people I know. Microsoft, like any office, is a status theme park. Here’s a quick rundown: • Profitable projects are galactically higher in status than loser (not quite as profitable) projects. • Microsoft at Work (Digital Office) is sexiest at the moment. Fortune 500 companies are drooling over DO because it’ll allow them to downsize millions of employees. Basically, DO allows you to operate your fax, phone, copier — all of your office stuff — from your PC. • Cash cows like Word are profitable but not really considered cutting edge. • Working on-Campus is higher status than being relegated to one of the off-Campus Siberias. • Having Pentium-driven hardware (built to the hilt) in your office is higher status than having 486 drone ware. • Having technical knowledge is way up there. • Being an architect is also way up there. • Having Bill-o-centric contacts is way, way up there. • Shipping your product on time is maybe the coolest (insert wave of anxiety here). If you ship a product you get a Ship-It award: a 12-x-15-x-1-inch Lucite slab — but you have to pretend it’s no big deal. Michael has a Ship-It award and we’ve tried various times to destroy it — blowtorching, throwing it off the verandah, dowsing it with acetone to dissolve it — nothing works. It’s so permanent, it’s frightening. More roommate profiles: First, Abe. If Abe were a Jeopardy! contestant, his seven dream categories would be: • Intel assembly language • Bulk shopping • C++ • Introversion • “I love my aquarium” • How to have millions of dollars and not let it affect your life in any way • Unclean laundry Abe is sort of like the household Monopoly-game banker. He collects our monthly checks for the landlord, $235 apiece. The man has millions and he rents! He’s been at the group house since 1984, when he was hired fresh out of MIT. (The rest of us have been here, on average about eight months apiece.) After ten years of writing code, Abe so far shows no signs of getting a life. He seems happy to be reaching the age of 30 in just four months with nothing to his name but a variety of neat-o consumer electronics and boxes of Costco products purchased in rash moments of Costco-scale madness (“Ten thousand straws! Just think of it — only $10 and I’ll never need to buy straws ever again!”) These products line the walls of his room, giving it the feel of an air-raid shelter. Bonus detail: There are dried-out patches of sneeze spray all over Abe’s monitors. You’d think he could afford 24 bottles of Windex. Next, Todd. Todd’s seven Jeopardy! categories would be: • Your body is your temple • Baseball hats • Meals made from combinations of Costco products • Psychotically religious parents • Frequent and empty sex • SEGA Genesis gaming addiction • The Supra Todd works as a tester with me. He’s really young — 22 — the way Microsoft employees all used to be. His interest is entirely in girls, bug testing, his Supra, and his body, which he buffs religiously at the Pro Club gym and feeds with peanut butter quesadillas, bananas, and protein drinks. Todd is historically empty. He neither knows nor cares about the past. He reads Car and Driver and fields three phone calls a week from his parents who believe that computers are “the Devil’s voice box,” and who try to persuade him to return home to Port Angeles and speak with the youth pastor. Todd’s the most fun of all the house members because he is all impulse and no consideration. He’s also the only roomie to have clean laundry consistently. In a crunch you can always borrow an unsoiled shirt from Todd. Bug Barbecue’s seven Jeopardy! categories would be: • Bitterness • Xerox PARC nostalgia • Macintosh products • More bitterness • Psychotic loser friends • Jazz • Still more bitterness Bug Barbecue is the World’s Most Bitter Man. He is (as his name implies) a tester with me at Building Seven. His have-a-life factor is pretty near zero. He has the smallest, darkest room in the house, in which he maintains two small shrines: one to his Sinclair ZX-81, his first computer, and the other to supermodel Elle MacPherson. Man, she’d freak if she saw the hundreds of little photos — the coins, the candles, the little notes. Bug is 31, and he lets everyone know it. If we ever ask him so much as “Hey, Bug — have you seen volume 7 of my Inside Mac?” he gives a sneer and replies, “You’re obviously of the generation that never built their own motherboard or had to invent their own language.” Hey, Bug — we love you, too. Bug never gets offered stock by the company. When payday comes and the little white stock option envelopes with red printing reading “Personal and Confidential” end up in all of our pigeonholes, Bug’s is always, alas, empty. Maybe they’re trying to get rid of him, but it’s almost impossible to fire someone at Microsoft. It must drive the administration nuts. They hired 3,100 people in 1992 alone, and you know not all of them were gems. Oddly, Bug is fanatical in his devotion to Microsoft. It’s as if the more they ignore him, the more rabidly he defends their honor. And if you cherish your own personal time, you will not get into a discussion with him over the famous Look-&-Feel lawsuit or any of the FTC or Department of Justice actions: “These litigious pricks piss me off. I wish they’d compete in the marketplace where it really counts instead of being little wusses and whining for government assistance to compete….” You’ve been warned. Finally, Michael. Michael’s seven Jeopardy! categories would be: • FORTRAN • Pascal • Ada (defense contracting code) • LISP • Neil Peart (drummer for Rush) • Hugo and Nebula award winners • Sir Lancelot Michael is probably the closest I’ll ever come to knowing someone who lives in a mystical state. He lives to assemble elegant streams of code instructions. He’s like Mozart to everyone else’s Salieri — he enters people’s offices where lines of code are written on the dry-erase whiteboards and quietly optimizes the code as he speaks to them, as though someone had written wrong instructions on how to get to the beach and he was merely setting them right so they wouldn’t get lost. He often uses low-tech solutions to high-tech problems: Popsicle sticks, rubber bands, and little strips of paper that turn on a bent coat hanger frame help him solve complex matrix problems. When he moved offices into his new window office (good coder, good office), he had to put Post-it notes reading “Not Art” on his devices so that the movers didn’t stick them under the glass display cases out in the central atrium area. SUNDAY This morning before heading to the office I read an in-depth story about Burt and Loni’s divorce in People magazine. Thus, 1,474,819 brain cells that could have been used toward a formula for world peace were obliterated. Are computer memory and human memory analogous? Michael would know. Mid-morning, I mountain-biked over to Nintendo headquarters, across Interstate 520 from Microsoft. Now, I’ve never been to the South African plant of, say, Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, but I bet it looks a lot like Nintendo headquarters — two-story industrial-plex buildings sheathed with Death Star-black windows and landscape trees around the parking lot seemingly clicked into place with a mouse. It’s nearly identical to Microsoft except Microsoft uses sea foam-green glass on its windows and has big soccer fields should it ever really need to expand. I Hacky Sacked for a while with my friend, Marty, and some of his tester friends during their break. Sunday is a big day for the kids who man the PSS phone lines there because all of young America is out of school and using the product. It’s really young at Nintendo. It’s like the year 1311, where everyone over 35 is dead or maimed and out of sight and mind. All of us got into this big discussion about what sort of software dogs would design if they could. Marty suggested territory-marking programs with piss simulators and lick interfaces. Antonella thought of BoneFinder. Harold thought of a doghouse remodeling CAD system. All very cartographic/high sensory: lots of visuals. Then, of course, the subject of catware came up. Antonella suggested a personal secretary program that tells the world, “No, I do not wish to be petted. Oh, and hold all my calls.” My suggestion was for a program that sleeps all the time. Anyway, it’s a good thing we’re human. We design business spreadsheets, paint programs, and word processing equipment. So that tells you where we’re at as a species. What is the search for the next great compelling application but a search for the human identity? It was nice being at Nintendo where everybody’s just a little bit younger and hipper than at Microsoft and actually takes part in the Seattle scene. Everyone at Microsoft seems, well, literally 31.2 years old, and it kind of shows. There’s this eerie, science-fiction lack of anyone who doesn’t look exactly 31.2 on the Campus. It’s oppressive. It seems like only last week the entire Campus went through Gap ribbed-T mania together — and now they’re all shopping for the same 3bdrm/2bth dove-gray condo in Kirkland. Microserfs are locked by nature into doing 31.2-ish things: the first house, the first marriage, the “where-am-I-going” crisis, the out-goes-the-Miata/in-comes-the-minivan thing, and, of course, major death denial. A Microsoft VP died of cancer a few months ago, and it was like, you weren’t allowed to mention it. Period. The three things you’re not allowed to discuss at work: death, salaries, and your stock options. I’m 26 and I’m just not ready to turn 31.2 yet. Actually, I’ve been thinking about this death denial business quite a bit lately. September always makes me think of Jed. It’s as if there’s this virtual Jed who might have been. Sometimes I see him when I’m driving by water; I see him standing on a log boom smiling and waving; I see him buckarooing a killer whale in the harbor off downtown while I’m stuck in traffic on the Alaskan Way viaduct. Or I see him walking just ahead of me around the Space Needle restaurant, always just around the curve. I’d like to hope Jed is happy in the afterworld, but because I was raised without any beliefs, I have no pictures of an afterworld for myself. In the past I have tried to convince myself that there is no life after death, but I have found myself unable to do this, so I guess intuitively I feel there is something. But I just don’t know how to begin figuring out what these pictures are. Over the last few weeks I’ve been oh-so-casually asking the people I know about their own pictures of the afterworld. I can’t simply come right out and ask directly because, as I say, you just don’t discuss death at Microsoft. The results were pretty dismal. Ten people asked, and not one single image. Not one single angel or one bright light or even one single, miserable barbecue briquette. Zero. Todd was more concerned about who would show up at his funeral. Bug Barbecue told me all this depressing stuff, of how the constituent elements of his personality weren’t around before he was born, so why should he worry about what happens to them afterward? Susan changed the topic entirely. (“Hey, isn’t Louis Gerstner hopeless?”) Sometimes, in the employee kitchen, when I’m surrounded by the dairy cases full of Bill-supplied free beverages, I have to wonder if maybe Microsoft’s corporate zest for recycling aluminum, plastic, and paper is perhaps a sublimation of the staff’s hidden desire for immortality. Or maybe this whole Bill thing is actually the subconscious manufacture of God. After Nintendo I mountain-biked around the Campus, delaying my venture into shipping hell. I saw a cluster of Deadheads looking for magic mushrooms out on the west lawn beside the second-growth forest. Fall is just around the corner. The trees around Campus are dropping their leaves. It’s been strange weather this spring and summer. The newspaper says the trees are confused and they’re shedding early this year. Todd was out on the main lawn training with the Microsoft intramural Frisbee team. I said hello. Everyone looked so young and healthy. I realized that Todd and his early-20s cohorts are the first Microsoft generation — the first group of people who have never known a world without an MS-DOS environment. Time ticks on. They’re also the first generation of Microsoft employees faced with reduced stock options and, for that matter, plateauing stock prices. I guess that makes them mere employees, just like at any other company. Bug Barbecue and I were wondering last week what’s going to happen when this new crop of workers reaches its inevitable Seven-Year Programmer’s Burnout. At the end of it they won’t have two million dollars to move to Hilo and start up a bait shop with, the way the Microsoft old-timers did. Not everyone can move into management. Discarded. Face it: You’re always just a breath away from a job in telemarketing. Everybody I know at the company has an estimated time of departure and they’re all within five years. It must have been so weird — living the way my Dad did — thinking your company was going to take care of you forever. A few minutes later I bumped into Karla walking across the west lawn. She walks really quickly and she’s so small, like a little kid. It was so odd for both of us, seeing each other outside the oatmeal walls and oyster carpeting of the office. We stopped and sat on the lawn and talked for a while. We shared a feeling of conspiracy by not being inside helping with the shipping deadline. I asked her if she was looking for ‘shrooms with the Deadheads, but she said she was going nuts in her office, and she just had to be in the wild for a few minutes in the forest beside the Campus. I thought this was such an unusual aspect of her personality, I mean, because she’s so mousy and indoorsy-looking. It was good to see her and for once to not have her yelling at me to stop being a nuisance. We’ve worked maybe ten offices apart for half a year, and we’ve never once really talked to each other. I showed Karla some birch bark I’d peeled off a tree outside Building Nine and she showed me some scarlet sumac leaves she had found in the forest. I told her about the discussion Marty, Antonella, Harold, and I had been having about dogs and cats over at Nintendo’s staff picnic tables. She lay down on the ground and thought about this, so I lay down, too. The sun was hot and good. I could only see the sky and hear her words. She surprised me. She said that we, as humans, bear the burden of having to be every animal in the world rolled into one. She said that we really have no identity of our own. She said, “What is human behavior, except trying to prove that we’re not animals?” She said, “I think we have strayed so far away from our animal origins that we are bent on creating a new, supra-animal identity.” She said, “What are computers but the Every AnimalMachine?” I couldn’t believe she was talking like this. She was like an episode of Star Trek made flesh. It was as if I was falling into a deep, deep hole as I heard her voice speak to me. But then a bumblebee bumbled above us and it stole our attention the way flying things can. She said, “Imagine being a bee and living in a great big hive. You would have no idea that tomorrow was going to be any different than today. You could return to that same hive a thousand years later and there would be just the same perception of tomorrow as never being any different. Humans are completely different. We assume tomorrow is another world.” I asked her what she meant, and she said, “I mean that the animals live in another sense of time. They can never have a sense of history because they can never see the difference between today and tomorrow.” I juggled some small rocks I found beside me. She said she didn’t know I could juggle and I told her it was something I learned by osmosis in my last product group. We got up and walked together back to Building Seven. I pushed my bike. We walked over the winding white cement path speckled with crow shit, past the fountains, and through the hemlocks and firs. Things seem different between us now, as if we’ve somehow agreed to agree. And God, she’s skinny! I think I’m going to bring her snacks to eat tomorrow while she works. I hope this isn’t like feeding a raccoon. Worked until just past midnight and came back home. Had a shower. Three bowls of Corn Flakes and ESPN. My weekends are no different than my weekdays. One of these days I’m going to vanish up to someplace beautiful like Whidbey Island and just veg for two solid days. Todd is compressing code this week and as a sideline invented what he calls a “Prince Emulator”—a program th@ converts whatever you write into a title of a song by Minnesotan Funkmeister, Prince. I sampled it using part of today’s diary. A few minutz 18r I bumpd in2 Karla walkng akros the west lawn. She walkz rEly kwikly & she’z so smal, like a litl kid. It wuz so odd 4 both uv us, C-ng Ech uthr outside the otmeel walz + oystr karpetng uv the ofiss. We stopd & s@ on the lawn + talkd 4 a wile. We shared a fElng uv konspiraC by not B-ng inside helpng with the shippng dedline. I askd hr if she wuz lookng 4 shroomz with the Dedhedz, but she sed she wuz going nutz in hr ofiss, & she just had 2 B in the wild 4 a few minutz in the 4St B-side the Kampus. I thot this wuz such an unuzual aspekt uv hr prsonaliT, I mEn, B-kuz she’z so mowsy + indorzy lookng. It wuz good 2 C hr & 4 once 2 not hav hr yellng @ me 2 stop B-ng a noosanss. We’v wrkd mayB 10 officz apart 4 half a yEr, + we’v nevr once rEly talkd 2 Ech uthr. I showd Karla sum brch bark I’d pEld off a trE outside Bildng 9 & she showd me sum skarlet soomak lEvz she had found in the 4St. I told hr about the diskussion MarT, AntonLa, Harold, + I had B-n havng about dogz & katz ovr @ Nin-10-do’z staf piknik tablz. She 1A down on the ground + thot about this, so 11A down, 2. The sun wuz hot & good. I kould only C the sky + hear hr wrdz. She srprizd me. She sed th@ we, az humnz, bear the brdn uv havng 2 B evry animl in the wrld rold in2 1. She sed th@ we rEly hav no identiT uv our own. She sed, “Wh@ iz human B-havior, X-ept tryng 2 proov th@ w’r not animalz?” She sed, “I think we hav strAd so far awA from our animal originz th@ we R bent on kre8ng a noo, soopra-animal idNtiT.” She sed, “Wh@ R komputrz but the Evry AnimalMashEn?” I kouldn’t B-IEv she wuz talkng like this. She wuz like an episode uv Star Trek made flesh. It wuz az if I wuz falng in2 a dEp, dEp hole az I hrd hr voiss speak 2 me. But then a bumbl-B bumbld abuv us & it stole our alOnshun the wA flyng thngz kan. She sed, “Imagin B-ng a B + livng in a gr8 big hive. You would hav no idea th@ 2morow wuz going 2 B any difrent than 2d A. You kould retrn 2 th@ same hive 1,000 yearz latr & ther would B just the same prception uv 2morow az nevr B-ng any difrent. Humanz R kompletely difrent. We asoom 2morow iz anuthr wrld.” I askd hr wot she ment, + she sed, “I meen th@ the animalz liv in anuthr sens uv time. They kan nevr hav a sens uv history B-kuz they kan nevr C the difrenss B-twEn 2dA & 2morow.” I juggld sum smal rokz I found B-side me. She sed she didnt kno I kould juggl + I told hr it wuz sumthing I lrnd by ozmosis in my last produkt groop. We got up & walkd 2gethr bak 2 Bildng 7. I pushd my bike. We walkd ovr the windng wite Cment path spekld with krow shit, past the fountunz, + thru the hemlokz & frz. I reread the Prince Version and realized th@ after a certain point, real language decomposes into encryption code; Japanese. %43]505)%I$])3D=%5D526524Y'0T]24D5#5$Q954Y&3U(@$)$#L!PZ)\^(B\0!P825!+DUI8W)O$POL!4ITB.R! 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